Become A Sponsor

Dear Potential Sponsor, we would like to take this opportunity and invite you to become a part of the Upland High School Football family for our 2024/2025 season. The student athletes, coaching staff and parents of the Scots football teams are seeking your support for our program. Community support from sponsors like you allow us to continue to provide a quality athletic program that fosters teamwork, responsibility and an exceptional work ethic in our Upland youth. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization devoted to our youth through many volunteer hours and financial backing from local sponsors. Therefore, your donation is tax deductible. There are many operating costs and expenses required to operate our successful high school program. These costs and expenses exceed the money collected through fundraising by the players. We wish to continue our successful program with your help. Your financial donation is tax deductible!!


Want to sponsor a Wednesday night meal? Please click on the link below.